It always amazes me what hands can create. We use our hands so much more than we realize and we depend on them because we have no other choice. They give us our way of life and they allow us to do more than we can fathom. Hands give us the ability to create what our minds conceive.
Without our hands, where would we be? How did God design them? Does God have hands like ours? Hands are a gift that should not be taken for granted, but are. They allow us to be human. Our fingers and palms all work together to do the tasks that we need them to. Grabbing, snatching, smoothing, grasping, touching, writing. All these things are done with our hands, as well as thousands of other things.
Thank you hands for all their hard work, then thank God for such a blessing. Hands are more than just hands. They give us the ability to live.