The house is almost complete! Today, we primed the walls then painted them a lovely light blue. I got to do all of the edges around the bottom of the wall trim. It was nice to be painting again because I really enjoy painting around homes. While we were at the home in the morning, Alice saw our GORP and wanted to try some but didn't want to take ours. After lunch, Caroline brought them a cup of it and they really loved it. So when we go back tomorrow we are going to bring them a bag!
While my team worked on the inside of the house, most of Anders' team was working outside taking paint off the side of the house and then repainting it. All of them did a wonderful job and I am so proud of this team. When we got done at the house, we went back to In His Steps and finished the day by getting more bushes in their new homes. Robert and I got to work together for a little bit, which was really fun. We were moving dirt and clay from the sidewalk to the area behind the bushes, where they were originally. The dirt was really heavy and it was a pain to move, but it is going to look so nice when it is all done.
After dinner we surprised everyone with a trip to the closest Coldstone Creamery. It was really fun for the team to goof off and just enjoy each other's company while enjoying ice cream. We laughed so much and I was so glad to see everyone bonding and having fun. Hopefully they remain close once the trip is done and over.
Again, I love this team, and I am so blessed to be working with such an amazing group of people. I thank God for them and how wonderful they all are. I am the luckiest :].
:[Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!}: ~ Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
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