:{The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.}: ~ Psalm 18:2

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mississippi Journal (3.23.2011)

It's only been a couple days, but I already miss Mississippi like crazy. I miss In His Steps, the town, the kids, the people. Everything. Since being back, I find it strange that there is hardly any diversity here. Mostly, Gordon and the surrounding community is white. I almost miss being gawked at because of my skin color. Ever since leaving, I have felt God calling me back to In His Steps and Canton, and I know that when the time is just right, I will be back there. And until then, I will just have to wait.

But waiting is still really hard. I feel drawn back for the people and the community. When I am at Gordon I serve people who are just like me. In Mississippi, I serve all kinds of people. There are so many ages, backgrounds, and stories. I want to go back and just listen to all that surrounds me. Being down there is not just abut doing service projects and talking to people. They want someone to sit down and LISTEN. No one does that. No one cares enough to go serve in Mississippi and listen to what people have to say. These people are written off and not even given a chance. And what do we have to offer that they don't? They are just as important and should be heard, because their stories are worth an ear. Carolyn and Jasper certainly have ears to hear and they listen. They know the community so well that I admire just how much they have invested in Canton. I can see that they see the potential in the people and they can see a future. Canton is a place so treasured by God because He is working through so many people to break racism and create equality. He works through marvelous people, like the Bacon's, to change a thought-to-be hopeless town into someplace beautiful.

:{In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive."}: ~ Acts 20:35

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